- How can we change to a healthy diet?
- Stick to realistic expectations
- Small steps big results
- Set small goals to achieve rather than larger than life goals that may be harder to achieve
- Think about what really motivate you
- Keep in mind that other people can not motivate you, they can encourage you, cheer you on, and be a great support system. But only you can motivate yourself
- Keep unhealthy foods out of the house, or at minimum, foods that you know you can not control yourself around.
- Portion snacks before you go sit down to eat them
- Keep good snack in stock at all times
- Don’t have an all or nothing approach
- Life is not black and white
- There is no can’t
- Everything in moderation
- Don’t deny yourself
- Carry Healthy Snacks
- Try to have at least one snack with you wherever you go
- Remember that 2 or 3 bites can often cure a craving
- Exercise and change diet at the same time
- I find that when you put in the work to exercise you feel better and this gives the motivation to eat better so that your hard work exercising is not wasted
- Have a game plan before eating out
- Think of where you might go out to eat
- Check out the menu online
- Find things that you might like to try
- Have several options
- Remember you don’t have to finish everything on your plate
- Practice mindful eating
- Try not to eat while you are doing other things this could cause you to graze and consume more food
- Try to relax when you eat, set time aside for it
- Track and Monitor your progress
- I weigh daily
- I track weight weekly
- I always am planning the next meal
- I don’t worry about food prepping so much as i get bored eating the same things all the time
- How can we apply these things to each of us individually
- Set small goals
- Buy a new shirt or pair of pants one size smaller then you are wearing now. Your reward., your accomplishment
- Break up your overall goals into smaller steps
- Eating out
- Buy whatever you want to try
- Have a few bites
- Invite friends and share
- Have that bite of desert
- Motivation
- Be accountable to someone
- Share your goals with others
- Talk about things
- Try to encourage someone else this will give you motivation to succeed
- Set small goals
- Stick to realistic expectations
What Motivation
- relating to the reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
- designed to promote the desire or willingness to do or achieve something.
- Three types of motivation
- Extrinsic. Doing an activity to attain or avoid a separate outcome. Chances are, many of the things you do each day are extrinsically motivated. …
- Doing things to avoid or gain an external goal
- The Basic Need to survive
- Doing things to avoid or gain an external goal
- Intrinsic. An internal drive for success or sense of purpose.
- Doing things to attain an internal goal or feeling…
- Things you do for yourself
- Doing things to attain an internal goal or feeling…
- Family. Motivated by the desire to provide for your loved ones.
- Things you do for others
- Hopefully you have a balance of all three
- They can all be combined and should be combined into a healthier lifestyle
- Often times the Family motivation doesn’t give us the intrinsic motivation to think about our own life and health
- How can I change that?
- Try thinking that if you better yourself then you can also and will most definitely increase your capacity to change the extrinsic and family motivation as well
- If we don’t take care of ourselves we can’t help anyone else .
- Motivation is about self always and how it affects you, people can not motivate you.
- Fill your life with encouragers and this will allow your inner motivation to shine
- Give to your job.
- Cake care of yourself
- Give to others
- By encouraging others yourself you are motivating yourself to do better, achieve more, not look back. I can do it attitude.
- Always look to the next step
- Never settle for where you are.
- Strive for success, mentally emotionally and physically
- Don’t be ashamed when you have to talk to or take advice from your peers.
- Try thinking that if you better yourself then you can also and will most definitely increase your capacity to change the extrinsic and family motivation as well
- I had to seek out help and advice from someone ½ my age and it has been some of the best advice and growth I have ever had in my life.
- Don’t give up. Don’t look for motivation, be motivated for yourself so that you can encourage others.