The Mirror
Looking in the mirror’s glassy sheen,
A face unknown, a stranger’s mien,
My mind clings to the past, it seems,
Unsure of this new self, lost in dreams.
Is this transformation truly real?
A positive change my mind can’t feel,
Do I deserve this, where do I go?
Like a newborn’s cry, the questions flow.
A fresh identity, a chance to learn,
To create new dreams, to discern,
The person in the mirror, who is he?
Will others remember the old me?
This journey, like a rebirth, profound,
Learning to walk on shifting ground,
The mental weight of transformation’s quest,
A daunting path, a rigorous test.
Never forget your roots, your history,
The essence of your former mystery,
Give back to others, a guiding star,
A positive change, near and far.
Share the gifts you’ve been bestowed,
Let kindness and compassion erode,
The doubts that linger, the old you see,
Embrace the new, the one you’ll be.